Blurb: Say hello to my big little girl.
Backstory: Today I went to my first Mary Kay party in almost two decades. Chris(the young lady in the picture) is now a Mary Kay consultant, and by chance, she's also my sorority grandlittle. I was probably the most difficult attendee she's ever had to deal with, and I did not do that on purpose. Because I work overnights there's no reason for me to wear make up. I can literally count on one hand the number of times I've put on make up in the last two months. It's just not something I do, so when I come into contact with cosmetics it's a disaster.
It took a while for me to actually try the make up on my face; I started by making my nails jacked up using all the different nail polishes at once. I felt like a monkey trying to figure out a toy when Chris handed me the make up samples but I did venture in and slather some on my mug. Everyone said it looked "nice" but I thought I looked like a mini Tammy Faye Baker. This is in no way a reflection on Chris' skills, but a reflection on my lack of skills.
Yeah, I might have stolen this photo and used it on my blog too (linked to you, though!) Was so nice to meet you (and that red lipstick DID look good on you). Drastic makeup just takes some getting used to, so going from zero to going out makeup is a lot. ;) Hope to see you again soon!