Blurb: The big day has finally arrived, and as you can see the bride is very nervous.
Backstory: After eight years Brian and Megan are officially married. There are a lot of cute and more formal pictures I could have posted but I wanted to go the funny route. This was taken in the bridal suite after we got our pictures taken and the men were getting theirs done. When you're in a wedding there's a lot of hurry up and wait, and when you get bored you take funny pictures trying to burn off some of the time.
The whole process started for myself and the maid-of-honor just after noon with a hair appointment. It should be noted that I am the worst person in the world at getting my hair done because I never know what I want and I never really care for what I get. The bridal party was at the salon until 2:30 then we had a little down time before heading to the venue. We would normally accomplish a task then sit around for an hour, needless to say most people were in need of a nap.
The ceremony finished just before a huge thunderstorm rolled in and dumped an inch of rain on Columbus. Megan and Brian got stuck at the top of a hill in a horse drawn carriage, but don't worry it had a roof. The weather didn't dampen any of our fun because it waited until we'd all gotten inside. We finished everything just before 1am, with all the balloons and tin cans from the bride and groom's get away car in my SUV. Apparently you can't fit a wedding dress and a dozen balloons in a two-seat Corvette.
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